03/10/2013: Workshop “Benefits of the Council of Europe Convention for preventing and combating all forms of violence against women and domestic violence”

National network within the project “Advocating for improved policies/strategies on ending violence against women ” supported by UNWOMEN, conduct one day workshop on the topic “Contribution of the Council of Europe Convention for preventing and combating all forms of violence against women and domestic violence” on 06.03.2013 in hotel City park Skopje.

Goal, principles and definition in the CoE Convention, prevention, combating and support, general and specialized services and role of CSOs recommended in the Convention were presented and discussed on this workshop. Doc. d-r Stojanka Mirceva from ISPPR and Sofija Spasovska from Ministry for social welfare lead the sessions planned in the agenda.

The workshop was interactive, with opportunity for participants to engage and develop discussion. At the beginning and at the end of the workshop, participants answer quiz titled “How well do you know the recommendations of the Council of Europe Convention for preventing and combating all forms of violence against women and domestic violence?” aimed for assessment of their knowledge before and after the workshop.

As part of the next steps of the National Network regarding the ratification of the CoE Convention,first meeting of the working group within the network was held. Working group consisted from five network members together with the engaged expert will work on preparing the draft version of preratification action plan.

For the needs of the workshop, and future actions related to the Convention of the Council of Europe, National network made ​​a translation of the Convention and the accompanying materials from official website of the Council of Europe. Translated text of the Convention will be available on the website of the network.




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